Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yuk ngerobek2 polygon pake ncloth..

Halo, gw mo bagi2 tutorial ttg ncloth.. sebenernya ini dah gw buat dulu kok di, tp biar ngga ilang gw masukin disini jg ya.. biar temen2 bisa sama2 belajar ncloth..

Selamat belajar ncloth.. gw tinggal mo baca lagi ya.. hehehehe..


adam k. said...

oo gitu caranya... tengkiu hehe

Henbob said...

yup2... u hv to write too.. especially about after effect.. hehehehehe..

adam k. said...

haha but im not sure what tutorial to make. have so much stuff

Henbob said...

cool, nice stuffs there.. wah, finally i can learn more about aftereffect.. Thanks bro!